Kardang Monastery in Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh

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Lahaul, a pristine valley in the heart of Himachal Pradesh, is home to several ancient monasteries that reflect the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of the region. One of these magnificent monasteries is the Kardang Monastery, a revered religious site that attracts tourists and devotees alike. In this article, we will look at the history, architecture, spiritual practices, festivals and much more surrounding Kardang Monastery.

Location of Kardang Monastery

Kardang Monastery is located at an altitude of 3,500 meters in the picturesque village of Kardang, which is located in the Lahaul region of Himachal Pradesh. With its serene surroundings and breathtaking views of the towering Himalayan peaks, the monastery offers a tranquil retreat for those seeking solace and spiritual enlightenment. It is located about 5 km from Keylong, across the Bhaga River on the other side of the valley.


History of Kardang Monastery

The origins of Kardang Monastery can be traced back to the 12th century, when it was founded by Lama Norbu Dorje, a disciple of the famous Tibetan Buddhist master Naropa. Over the centuries, the monastery has been renovated and expanded several times and has become an integral part of the Lahoul & Spiti’s cultural and religious identity. Kardang was once the capital of Lahoul.

Architecture and Design

Kardang Monastery is a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship and architectural brilliance of the ancient Himalayan builders. The monastery follows the traditional Tibetan architectural style, characterized by its white facade, colorful prayer flags fluttering in the wind, and intricately carved wooden windows and doors. The main assembly hall, decorated with vivid murals and thangkas depicting Buddhist deities, serves as the focal point of the monastery.

Cultural Significance

Kardang Monastery has immense cultural significance to the local community. It serves as a center for religious ceremonies, teachings, and social gatherings and promotes a sense of unity and spiritual harmony among the villagers. The monastery has a large library of Kangyur and Tangyur volumes of Bhoti Buddhist scriptures. The monastery also serves as a repository for valuable Buddhist scriptures, ancient artifacts and religious relics, and preserves the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Spiritual Practices

The monastery offers spiritual seekers a conducive environment for various practices such as meditation, chanting and prayers. The monks, in their colorful robes, perform daily rituals and lead the community in religious events. The tranquil atmosphere, coupled with the rhythmic chants and the scent of burning incense, creates an atmosphere that invites introspection and spiritual growth.

Festivals and celebrations

Kardang Monastery comes alive during festivals and celebrations, offering visitors a glimpse into the vibrant cultural traditions of the region.   In the month of June the festival of  Tsheshu is celebrated in almost all the monasteries in Lahoul and Spiti like Shashur, Gemur, Ket, Tabo  and  Kardang monasteries.  During this festival a large number of  devotees/ people gather  and enjoy the devil dance performances of the  Lamas bedecked in colourful dresses and wearing masks of  different birds and animals. These dances are called Chaam dance where monks are dressed in dramatic masks and head gears.  These occassions attracts pilgrims from near and far and fills the monastery with a festive spirit and a sense of joyful celebration.

How to Reach Kardang Monastery

Kardang Monastery is located in Keylong which is the district HQ of Lahoul & Spiti.  Keylong is well connected by road with Manali/Kullu Himachal Pradesh.  If you are coming from outside Himachal Pradesh, Manali is the entry point for Keylong.  Distance from Manali to Keylong is 75 km.  From Keylong one can either trek to Kardang by crossing a small bridge over the Bhaga river or take a cab via Tandi Bridge.  There is a road from Tandi Pull that goes directly to kardang village.


Nearby attractions

Aside from the spiritual significance of Kardang Monastery, the surrounding region offers breathtaking scenery and other attractions for nature lovers. The pristine Chandra Bhaga River flows nearby, but it is too dangerous for river rafting.  Nearby there are two other famous monasteries Shashur Gompa and Tayul Gompa. These monasteries are located 3 km and 6 km away from Keylong, respectively.  Keylong is the gateway to Ladakh but you have to cross several mountain passes.  These passes are Bara Lacha La (5,030 Mtr /16,500 ft), Nakee La (4,739 Mtr/15,547 ft), Lug Lacha or Lachung La (5,065 Mtr/16,616 ft) and Tang Lang La (5,328 Mtr/17,480 ft).

Where to Stay in Kardang

While Kardang village itself has limited accommodation facilities, visitors will find comfortable lodges and guesthouses in the nearby towns of Keylong and Jispa. These places offer a range of facilities to meet the needs of tourists and provide them with a pleasant stay during their visit to Kardang Monastery.

Best time to visit Kardang Monastery

The best time to visit Kardang Monastery is during the summer months from June to October, when the weather is pleasant and the region is accessible. In winter, when snowfall is heavy and temperatures are extremely high, the area is difficult to access. However, for those seeking a unique experience in a winter wonderland, a visit at this time can be equally enchanting.

Tips for visitors

Dress modestly and respectfully when visiting any monastery.

Keep quiet in the sanctum of the monastery to preserve the sanctity of the place.

Obtain permission before taking photographs especially inside the monastery, as some areas may be off-limits.

Warm clothing is a must if you are traveling to these places as the weather can be unpredictable even in summer.

Respect local customs and treat local residents with courtesy.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts are being made to preserve the rich heritage of Kardang Monastery and ensure its continued existence. Various organizations and individuals are involved in restoration projects, including the preservation of ancient murals, sculptures, and manuscripts. The goal of these efforts is to preserve the cultural and historical significance of the monastery for future generations.


Kardang Monastery is a majestic testament to the spiritual and cultural heritage of Lahaul. Its rich history, architectural splendor, and tranquil atmosphere make it a must-see for those who wish to immerse themselves in the world of Tibetan Buddhism and Himalayan culture. Whether you are a devotee, a spiritual seeker, or an admirer of art and architecture, Kardang Monastery offers a glimpse into a realm of serenity and transcendence.


Most frequent questions and answers

Visitors are advised to obtain permission before taking photos as there may be restrictions in some areas of the monastery. Etiquette is not to take pictures of the sanctum (insides) of a Monastery. Taking pictures from outside is generally allowed.

Yes, there are busses and cabs from the nearby town of Keylong and from Tandi Pull (bridge) to reach Kardang Monastery. However, it is advised to check the timings and availability of transport.

Gustor is a festival celebrated in monasteries of Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh.  It is a lively festival with mask dances by the lamas, musical performances and religious rituals. It has great cultural and religious significance in the region.

There might be few accommodation facilities in Kardang village but comfortable lodges and guesthouses would be available for visitors in the nearby towns of Keylong and Jispa.

The best time to visit Kardang Monastery is during the summer months from June to October, when the weather is pleasant and the Lahoul Valley is accessible. 

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